Sunday, January 31, 2010

just messed with alchemy

alchemy... thats all i gotta say. fun. experimental. killer shapes. i am alive! cant wait to use it with photoshop...

Thursday, January 28, 2010


i just tried to post a killer drawing... not really.
but check this out. blogger isnt letting me post pics right now.
i need to make some new stuff.
in the process of sculpting a new character in super sculpy.
i like it so far, just need to get it to completion.
i need to throw some ceramic cups for my fam. different colors with names on them. personalized.
what are you people doing creative?
i have three followers. thats good. tell people to look at my art so i get validation.
and have them follow for more validation.
i even sell my art for cheap. for dollars...

straight edge crew.

we are old. from liskfest I.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

back for a few, heres some new stuff

its almost been three months. geting my website up soon. got all my pics together from the past five years. my best stuff. doesnt seem that good. too many different directions. just happy to be doing art and to have the ability to draw. always challenging myself and wanting to learn more and become better technically. im not satisfied. heres some new stuff. going to be submitting it to Spectrum 17... hopefully it will get accepted.

this is ceramic and painted in acrylic. about 12" tall.

acrylic on wood. one of 11 at avanti art show.

cant post the photoshop painting right now... now, how to change a psd to a jpeg?
